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Here are some ferret movies and documentaries that are specifically about ferrets:

  1. Ferret Town (2010) – a documentary that explores the lives of ferret enthusiasts and their pets in the United States.
  2. The Secret Life of Ferrets (2005) – a documentary that takes a look at the behavior and personality of ferrets, as well as their relationship with humans.
  3. Ferrets: The Pursuit of Excellence (1994) – a documentary that provides an in-depth look at the care, training, and breeding of ferrets, as well as their behavior and history.
  4. Ferret Fun 1: Ferret First Aid and CPR (2000) – an instructional video that covers the basics of first aid and CPR for ferrets.
  5. Dancing With Weasels (2004) – a documentary that follows a group of ferret enthusiasts as they compete in the Ferret Agility Trials.
  6. A Ferret’s Tale (2003) – a children’s movie that follows the adventures of a young ferret named Billy and his friends.

Please note that this list may not be exhaustive, and there may be other movies and documentaries about ferrets that I have not mentioned.


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