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Nobody wants their ferrets to urinate and poo on the floor or cage, which it is why it is essential to give your ferrets the proper type of ferret litter boxes.  Fortunately, it is pretty easy to litter train a ferret as they typically such as to do their business in a corner.

By just putting a litter box in the corner of the room or area, your ferret will naturally be attracted in the direction of it and also will at some point link it with making use of it in that location.

You would think that any type of litter box would do, but ferrets like to use the corner litter boxes that fit in corners.  This makes it much more convenient to place them in those areas.  Of course, you can use a square litter box too in their cage or place it at an angle in a corner, which is a good solution.

This sums up the best litter boxes for ferrets.  Check out this link for my favorite litter boxes. 

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